Finding answers to our curiosity can sometimes be a daunting task. When every attempt, to find a scientific explanation behind a phenomenon fails, to believe in something beyond is the only way. There are many events, incidents, etc that science failed to explain, that lead us to believe in parallel world, dark world, life beyond Earth etc,. To prove the experiences that are within the body is possible, but to explain experiences out of the body seems impossible. This research paper focuses on Out Of Body Experiences in relation to Sleep Paralysis. Out Of Body Experiences a.k.a. OOBE An out-of-body experience (OOBE) is an experience that involves a feeling of floating outside one's body and, in some cases, the feeling of perceiving one's physical …show more content…
There’s no dispute that people do experience the sensation of an out-of-body experience during sleep paralysis. The point is whether it’s best explained in biological terms, or whether there really are other realms which a part of us is capable of accessing. In many cases of sleep paralysis, the episode starts with a shadowy figure in the corner that slowly advances on the paralyzed person. Sometimes, the unknown figure reappears several nights in a row and eventually transforms into a demon or hag. Other times, the shadowy figures accompany instances of demon attacks or an old hag episode. History In the history of Western medicine, sleep paralysis has been documented for at least 300 years. Writing in 2008 Kompanje describes a 1664 case report from Dutch physician Isbrand Van Diemerbroeck titled ‘Of the Night-mare’. It describes a patient’s symptoms: “…in the night time, when she was composing herself to sleep, sometimes she believed the devil lay upon her and held her down, sometimes that she was choked by a great dog or thief lying upon her breast, so that she could hardly speak or breath and when she endeavored to throw off the burthen, she was not able to stir her members.” – Citation literal from Van Diemerbroeck, 1689 Whilst examples of the depiction of the nightmare can be found across Europe, by the early modern era (1500-1800) this explanation of sleep paralysis experiences had been largely forgotten, and …show more content…
Two of the best-documented examples of nocturnal attackers are Kanashibari in Japan, and the Old Hag of Newfoundland. The term Kanashibari, meaning ‘to tie with an iron rope’ is derived from the magic of Fudoh-Myohoh, a Buddhist God. Many Japanese believe Kanashibari to be caused by evil spirits. In a 1987 study of Japanese respondents, Fukuda et al found the symptoms of kanashibari to be identical to those of sleep paralysis. The Old Hag phenomenon is a traditional interpretation of sleep paralysis found in Newfoundland. A visit from the Old Hag reportedly starts with the victim becoming conscious and unable to move or speak and feeling a heavy weight pressing down on their chest. The victim may have been overworked, or may be the subject of the hostile or jealous feelings of another person. Patil 7 Cases of Sleep Paralysis Many people ask if they are going to die while they are paralyzed in sleep. Robert Monroe says that he went through same feeling before he started experimenting. He realized soon that if paralyzed person know he is in dreaming state and none of its happening in reality, he will survive. Most possible cause of death will be due to shock. Male in their 30’s started dying in 1970 when Hmong resistance fighters fled to Laos to America in 1970’s.Hmong community blamed spirit world. When bodies were examined it was observed that all males died with the expression of