Corrie Morrie Chapter Summaries

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As the book begins, the ten Boom family is celebrating the 100th anniversary of the family watch shop and watch repair business. A Jewish man from Germany came with Minister Willem from the Dutch Reformed Church. The Jewish man’s beard had been burned off by thugs which symbolized the terrible things going on just east of the Netherlands. In the next chapters, Corrie’s childhood is mentioned, her mother, and the man she once loved, Karel. after the deaths of Corrie’s mother and aunts, Corrie, Betsie and Casper, their father settled down only to be shaken back up in 1940 when the Nazis invaded the Netherlands. The family felt it was their Christian duty to help their Jewish friends. Corrie became a part of the black market which troubled her deeply. …show more content…

In one chapter, a man asked Corrie to help his wife, who had been captured. Come to find out, the man was a spy and had the whole watch shop raided and the ten Boom family was arrested. However, the Jews they were helping, hid themselves in the secret room. Casper was offered to be let go due to his age, but he refused and died ten days later. Corrie was sent to Scheveningen, later learning that her sister, Betsie, was in that same prison. While in prison, Corrie made friends with a Nazi officer who secretly arranged a meeting with her family. After the sisters had been at Scheveningen,they were transferred to Vught. Corrie was sent to make radios for aircraft and Betsie, worked on sewing prison