Attitudes Toward Communism In George Orwell's Animal Farm

1944 Words8 Pages

In 1945 postmodernist writer George Orwell published a short novel Animal Farm, written as an allegory reflecting the events that had caused the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917, whose consequence was a government more horrific than the overthrown one. The society was interpreted as a dystopia characterized by corruption, unemployment and poverty. Orwell himself was a sharp critic of Stalin and his reign, therefore this essay will explore his attitude towards communism as well as reflections on Stalin's dictatorship which superseded normal function of Russian society. I will argue how the writer used mockery, irony and sarcasm to describe a futuristic totalitarian state, also reffered to as 'orwellian'.
When asked about Animal Farm, Orwell said: …show more content…

The animals’ desire to overthrow a man and gain freedom lead by the opinion that "Man is the only real enemy we have. Remove Man from the scene, and the root cause of hunger and overwork is abolished for ever. Man is the only creature that consumes without producing." (Orwell 1945:2) tricked them into idealistic concept of equality, believed in due to the ignorance of many of the farm inhabitants. Orwell satirizes the system of communism built on the belief that the autocracy is necessary until the superior beings take over the control, in this case the pigs. On Orwell's farm the autocracy was never the case - since the animals had banished Jones, immediately some of them proved to be more convincing, more leader-like, more capable, more intelligent and stronger than the others. Moreover, one of the most significant parts in the novel, also the law on which the animals' autocracy was based on were the Seven Commandments, enumerating the rules which would