
Corruption In Lord Of The Flies And The Chocolate War

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Literature has been a form of knowledge and communication where authors speak to the reader through the pages of their books. One of the multiple ways an author communicates with the reader is with the aid of themes. William Goulding and Robert Cormier are both authors that use the aid of themes to develop their communication with the reader. Lord of the Flies written by Goulding and The Chocolate War by Robert Cormier, the authors used the theme of power and corruption to help deliver their message. The main theme in both of the novels is the theme of power and its corrupting influence on the characters.

First of all, the main theme in the novels Lord of the Flies and The Chocolate War is power and its corrupting influence on the characters …show more content…

Although the way both of the characters get people to join them varies slightly, the ideology of using their power to achieve that goal is identical. Another way the theme of power and its degrading effect on characters is introduced by Jack and Archie is by the fact that both of them feel good about using their power to put people down. In the novel Lord of the Flies, Jack puts down the boys all the time for his pleasure and to make him feel superior over everybody else on the island. He uses the validation he gets from the other boys to feed his hunger for power and he can’t seem to stop until he goes to the absolute extreme of the scale. It’s clear that Piggy is Jack’s main victim and it is well demonstrated on the mountain when Piggy holds the conch for the right of speech but Jack ignores his statements and goes far enough to physically abuse Piggy. “‘I got the conch’ said Piggy indignantly. ‘You let me speak!’ ‘The conch doesn’t count on top of the mountain said Jack” (Goulding 42) It’s clear that Jack needs to be the one to be in control no matter what was decided before. Earlier in the novel, Jack declared …show more content…

A way that Ralph and Jerry prove this theme is with their power to influence people. In the novel Lord of the Flies by William Goulding, Ralph has an influence on the boys on the island. He keeps them in control for most of the beginning of the novel. All the boys want to follow his lead because they are influenced by Ralph's title, way of doing and morals. An example of this is when Jack wants to be voted as chief but when he goes to get the answer, it’s not at all the answer he

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