Corruption In Macbeth And The Shakespearean Narrative Works

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In Macbeth and the Shakespearean narrative pieces there are numerous themes, Macbeth ties in the corruption of man when he is given the opportunity to listen to the prophecies or not. Macbeth ties in the power of ambition, how ambitious does he need to be to do what needs to be done to secure his spot on the throne according to the prophecy. The role of men vs. women, the men do all the fighting and work, the women cook and clean and anything else that is needed. Tyrannical leadership, Macbeth spends lots of his times just killing off leaders that are told to become an obstacle for Macbeth in the future. Loyalty or lack thereof, who is truly loyal to Macbeth, who is just going to stab him in the back in the end. The disturbed mind, the more …show more content…

Macbeth introduces fate into the writing with scenes where he speaks to the witches about the apparition and the prophecy Macbeth was never informed about until now. In act 4 and 5 throughout the parts of the play is the most brutal parts. “Be bloody, bold and resolute; laugh to scorn the pow’r of man, for none of woman born shall harm Macbeth” (A4,S2,L44-49). Macbeth was told throughout the play that he was not to be harmed by anyone born by woman. One of the future leaders that Macbeth had killed, his son was not born from woman. He was born from supernatural birth, in which came back and claimed the throne after slaying Macbeth. People have the option to do nothing about someone killing their father or take revenge. Just like with video games, in video games, regardless of if there is violence in these games or not the parents shall monitor and teach their children not to live life like it’s a video game. Video games are not real life, you don’t respawn. With this violence psychologist Christopher J. Ferguson has shown with his work has found that children who are already at risk may be more likely to choose to play violent video games. Technically children and those who are already at risk has the choice to make their own decisions on how this video game should turn out for them. If it is violent for them they should either play the game or choose another one. The act of free will and making your own decisions is the same thing. From the day you are born you are born with natural rights, free will to do what you want having to take those consequences is a natural born right. People just need to learn to not listen to others and make their own decisions. The act of free will plays a big role in how your fate is going to turn