Public Health Issues

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A public health issue that I would be most interested in when it comes to developing a public health campaign is the cost and stigma that is associated with mental health. Mental health is best defined as the experiencing of any problems that is related to ones social, emotional, and psychological well-being. Throughout a person’s life different events and experiences such as trauma and genetics can alter how someone can go about living their life. Other factors that also come into play is gender, race, social economic class, and religious beliefs. The need for this campaging is to bring about awareness and to start more conversations in efforts to make people feel comfortable when it comes to seeking help. Mental illness is a disease …show more content…

When it comes to health care those who are in the Hispanic community are heavily reliant on religion and home remedies. Lauange barriers also pose as a threat with the inability to effectively communicate if they speak liitle English or if there is not an Spanish interpertator during doctor visit(NCBI, n.d). The level of education of those in the Hispanic community could also be seen as a deterant simpley because they might not can fully understand what it is the doctor is trying to convey to them. When it comes to the African American community they are also heavy belivers in faith but the stigma and discrimination associated with mental illness often leads to family just taking in those family members and caring for them. According to Mental Health of America, those within the African American community are not open to acknowledging psychological problems and are reluctanct due to feeling as if practitioners are not culturally competent enough to treat their specific issues. Even with these challenges an effective leader will find a way to reach specifically to these communities and find a way to bridge the