Cost Of Technicolor Case Analysis

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New techniques used in the motion picture industry allow the transfer of images from computers onto film. The information may be not only in the form of numbers, but also in words or images. The result is the ability to take information from a variety of sources and store it onto one medium.

The need to store tremendous volumes of documents for long periods of time has been a liability since the beginning of the motion picture industry. When you see a movie on the screen, the cutting and editing are so adept that there is no indication of the volumes of prints that were required to provide the finished product, and one can only guess what the future may hold. Before the computer age, scripts, treatments, and related matter were stored in the usual way; filing cabinets. …show more content…

Did you know that color was introduced around 1929? Someone asked me “why it took another 20 years for color movies to become commonplace?” One of the biggest factors was the cost of Technicolor film; Another reason was the cost of the lighting required by the use of color and the uncomfortable makeup required during the early days. What might the cost have been to produce Ben Hur in color. What might the cost be for a new movie