Massacre Of Jonestown Essay

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The massacre of Jonestown was committed November 18, 1978, where a death toll of 918 people lied dead. The People Templed was founded in 1956, where Jim Jones was the main cooperate in the mass murder. Jim Jones was what some would call a “God” and what most would call a murder. This all started when Jones established The Peoples Temple in Indianapolis, Indiana, where people could go for sanctuary and help. He grew so vast he was soon able to move his practice to Redwood Valley California, where things would start to take a surprising turn for the better or worst? Growing up Jones had visited countless churches saw the worst and the best. Soon after discovering his vast talent in public speaking, he soon found his way into our nations hearts by doing the impossible, adopting a colored child and becoming a congress man with even more power. Overtime his preaching soon over took countless people, who wanted to feel belonged in a society that was so greatly discriminated. Jones grew so fast he soon found himself in a Country in South America called Guyana. This place would soon be the crime seen of over 900 …show more content…

But I don 't believe him to be much different then those who follow the word of god, or those people who attend church on a Sunday morning. The slight difference here is that to use there was countless people who lost there lives all at once. However when you “interpret” the bible as others have done throughout centuries you can obviously see that mass murders/suicides happened under god himself. “How many did God drown in the flood or burn to death in Sodom and Gomorrah? How many first-born Egyptians did he kill? The Bible doesn 't say, so there 's no way to know for sure. But it 's possible to provide rough estimates in order to get a grand total, and that 's what I 'm attempting here.” At an estimated 24 million died under the word

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