Natural Resources in Australia and Costa Rica
Ore and mineral reserves are the largest source of natural resources in Australia. There are five ores and minerals that make up the largest part of extraction. These 5 resources combine for over 300 working mines in 2016. The resource with the highest number is gold. Gold had an estimated 130 active mines in service harvesting this commodity. In Australia there is currently 3,826 metric tonnes of gold in reserve, and in 2016 only a small percentage of the was captured. There was 288 metric tonnes produced from the 130 mines in production (Ore Reserves - Geoscience Australia). It is collected in open-cut mines. Large equipment is used to remove blasted rock put it into machines that separate the waste rock and remove the gold from the waste (Australian Mines Atlas).
The resource with the second most mines allocated to the collection of it is coal. In 2016 there were 93 production mines. There is an estimated 20,000 million tonnes in reserve, and in 2016, 440 million tonnes were mined from those 93 working mines
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According to 2018 Index of Economic Freedom, Costa Rica has the 57th freest economy. This ranking was given on the same criteria as Australia, based on government spending, fiscal health, property right, government integrity, regulatory efficiency, and financial freedom. Costa Rica scored lower for a few different reasons, the first being government integrity. It is believed that deep institution reforms need to take place in order to strengthen the trust of the government with the people. Costa Rica has agricultural exports of bananas, pineapples, and beef, but the biggest factor for economic success is the fact that Costa Rica is a very popular tourist destination. Costa Rica has a GDP of $80.7 billion dollars, with $16,436 GDP per capita, with an unemployment rate of 9% (Costa Rica Economy: Population, GDP, Inflation, Business, Trade, FDI,