The third key principle is democratizing development, empowering and redistributing. Democracy is about more than just voting . It is about people having the right to be informed about what their government is doing, and having the right to participate in decision-making, especially when the decisions directly affect them. This helps create empowered citizens who have the initiative to continue to contribute to the development of their communities. Councilors play an extremely important role in promoting democracy by making sure that community members and organizations have the chance to present their views on any matter to be considered by council . Councilors must also be diligent in reporting to their constituencies about what council has committed to and what progress is being made. This could be through community forums, constituency meetings, and committee meetings. …show more content…
In the case of promoting democracy and empowerment, local councilors are expected to ask themselves: What are the best ways I can get input into council plans and processes from citizens, communities and interest groups? How can I demonstrate that I am available to and concerned about my community or constituency? How can I make sure the community is involved in implementing the plans and programs of the council? A councilor’s responsibility is to work with citizens in realizing these challenges. In the case of developing a strategic vision, the following set of questions could be asked by councilors: Am I helping to educate my constituents about the broader issues affecting the sustainability of our communities, municipality, and country? Am I promoting respect for human rights? Am I encouraging the potential and initiative of my constituency? Am I helping to create a vision for my municipality that is informed by the principles of Developmental Local