Counter Arguments For The Existence Of God Essay

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What are the arguments for the existence of God? Which do you find more compelling and why? Religion has been something that has been around since the dawn of humans. It is a way people live, or a culture that worships a higher controlling power such as a God like the Christians believe or multiple gods like polytheistic people believe. For philosophers, this is the “philosophy of religion.” This basically is just an aspect that looks at the intellectual questions that could possibly become grounded in thinking about religious views. This philosophy of religion involves attempts at finding a rational justification or some form of justification for their religion and beliefs. It also can be used for others to find an attempt to justify the basis for their disbelief against a religion. Lastly, it can be used by others merely as an attempt to examine other areas of human interest and experiences. There are many problems with the existence of religion though. First off, every religion claims to have universal knowledge about the nature of the world and how we fit into it. There is a wide, numerous number of …show more content…

First can be that there were certain fascinating elements included in that piece of work that could have possibly lead that person to believe in this religion. Specific signs or maybe even a miracle happening around the time upon reading the work can highlight this document and impact their lives. Another claim is that there are specific theories concerning the natural balance of the universe which in turn points to conclude that these views arising from a hypothetical document can possibly contain real religious knowledge. Finally, a person can state that specific beliefs or even their own personal experiences throughout their own life can convince one that the religious manner of that document is