Counterinsurgency In The Good Soldiers

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David Finkel’s The Good Soldiers examines the use of counterinsurgency to peacefully combat insurrection with the aid of locals. Unlike previous wars, there is no clear target the U.S. can deem the enemy. With this setback, it is vital that the U.S. addresses the root of the conflict in a way that minimizes collateral damage. After four heavy years of conflict however, a deep mistrust between the Iraqis and U.S. soldiers has developed.
Counterinsurgency involves cooperation between the military and civilians. A problem arises when it is difficult to determine who is a civilian and who is an enemy. Shortly after Cajimat’s death in Maulameen, Kauzlarich and his men become exceedingly wary of their surroundings. On page 38 of The Good Soldiers,