Counterintelligence Research Paper

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Counterintelligence: The Sword and Shield in Counterterrorism
Michael Jay Smith
American Military University
INTL 498 Senior Seminar
Dr. Lamont Colucci Misunderstood Capabilities
“All Warfare is based upon deception”- Sun Tzu
In most instances, Counterintelligence operations are often misunderstood in the capabilities they provide to counter-terror operations. Counterintelligence operations offer many options in order to ensure that intelligence collection is attainable in instances of terrorism both domestically and internationally. These collections are available from electronic and physical surveillance to the use of covert actions. In the realm of terror and counter-terror operations, the use of Counterintelligence shows the ability to …show more content…

In both instances there are enemies that have the capability to infiltrate a populace and use intelligence collection techniques in order to attack their targets. The basic definition of terrorism is the use of violence to further political or ideological ideals. Extremists from the West use attacks to achieve their goals of reestablishing caliphate in hopes of spreading their rule throughout the world. In the case of terror networks opposed to the traditional threat seen in the counterintelligence realm, the terror networks are harder to detect due to more compartmentalization in their network ties. But how can counterintelligence operations assist in these necessary counter-terror operations? Counterintelligence (CI) operations are the use of many different disciplines in order to detect as well as identify and counter the operations being conducted by the enemies of the US, such as FISS and terror groups. One of the necessary intelligence collection requirements within CI that assists the counter-terror ops, is Human Intelligence (HUMINT), which is intelligence or information derived from humans by debriefing agents, passing secrets, or interviewing detainees. Within the CI apparatus, the use of HUMINT collection plays a major role in the detection as well …show more content…

Without the use of CI to support CT operations there would be a limit to what is known and, as a result, how well connections can be made on information and terror networks. Providing the ability to counter terror activities by denying them freedom of movement in the US to plan and operate would hinder their capabilities to gather intelligence needed to strike. It would also assist in the fight of international terrorism by providing links to foreign groups who issue orders and training to conduct attacks on their

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