Country Music That Led To The Emergence Of Rock And Roll

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The relationship between country music and R&B that led to the emergence of rock and roll was both a collaboration and an appreciation during and after World War II, when soldiers from all around the country shared their favorite music. Country music also brought new structural elements to the music itself, and many R&B artists respected country music and even created their own works of country music. Current music defies the restrictions of said labels and continues to push against what the advertising side of the music industry promotes.

R&B’s "partner" in the creation of rock and roll was known as rockabilly. Rockabilly evolved from country-western, another popular style during the blues era. Country-western, in return, evolved from a fusion of British Isles folk music and African-American folk music. The musical aspects that country or rockabilly transferred to rock include a 16-bar phrase, tight harmonies, and new instrumentation. The 16-bar phrase allowed room for more lyrics, and the tight harmonies encouraged the creation of family bands such as The Carter Family. For example, The Carter Family even covered an African American spiritual piece, "Can the Circle be Unbroken," showing the connection between rock and roll and country goes even farther back than the connections between R&B and rockabilly. …show more content…

For example, Ray Charles and Howlin' Wolf, two extremely popular rhythm and blues artists, worked together on a country album, attempting to break boundaries between musical genres. This proves it wasn’t the artists themselves promoting these labels and separation, but the industry and record labels. Another very famous R&B artist, Fats Domino shared his appreciation through his live cover of "Blueberry