Couponing Research Paper

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Coupons can be a great money saving habit, but if you’re not careful it can also cost you. There is an article that discusses the different methods of how and where you can find coupons. It also explores how using coupons have changed over the years and why. The main point it makes is that coupons became popular again due to the recession in 2008. It is interesting that you see at the end of a recession, like in 1992 “when 7.9 billion” coupons were redeemed, but fast forward to 2006 when only “2.6 billion” were redeemed. When the big recession hit in 2008, coupon usage when back “up 10 percent.” As a consumer who has used coupons to the extreme and also taken a hiatus from couponing multiple times, I believe saving money with coupons is definitely a great skillset to know and be able to use. It does take a lot of …show more content…

The store policies for coupons have changed since 2008 because of consumers who have “abused” the system. I have learned that you don’t need to stockpile everything just because you can get it for a low price. In that aspect, you could spend more money. For example, when I first started, there were coupons to get Glucose Blood Meters for $1. I ended up getting a bunch of these meters, with no use for them. They sat in my storage unit for a few years until I decided to donate them. Now my approach is different, I try to think before even planning a coupon trip, am I going to use this item I am purchasing. When the recession was happening, couponing increased and you saw it across the board. I think there is still a huge database of coupon users but it has dwindled down as the numbers show in the article. Couponing can definitely save you money but like I stated before you have to be mindful about what you purchasing. Once I saw Coupon Mom on Oprah, my eyes were opened to a whole new world of savings, clipping coupons and getting a high from “scoring” a sweet coupon haul as they are

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