Cover Letter For Northern Arizona College

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I’m applying to Northern Arizona University to further develop myself as an ecologist. My passion for wildlife, especially herpetofauna has been in development since my youth. This passion has later transitioned towards a vision to conserve natural resources for future generations to enjoy. I believe that I have an amazing ability to find cryptic herpetofauna in diverse environments, and enjoy physically demanding fieldwork. When searching for rare individuals, I am motivated by the increased difficulty of the search. In groups, I am often leading the team to complete objectives, without a decrease in productivity after working the required long hours. At the end of the day, I find joy in knowing I pushed myself beyond my limits, and success in recording detailed accounts. If given this position, I will take every opportunity to publish natural observations and scientific reports to further our understanding of the natural world. It is crucial to transfer knowledge we accrue to our colleagues to collectively …show more content…

Not only has she has been an inspiration for me, but she also has instilled the true value of education. At the University of Arizona I had the opportunity to act as a preceptor for the field botany lab. This position allowed me to assist in teaching other students plant taxonomy and vocabulary. I found joy in helping students learn and instilling excitement in botany. I’m a life-long learner and respond well to constructive criticism. I understood at a young age that success only comes through hard work and perseverance. My father always said that to be successful in college it takes 99% perspiration and 1% inspiration. My collegiate studies at the University of Arizona have provided a firm foundation in knowledge on conserving our natural resources. Pursuing a Master’s degree will help increase my understanding to the next level and discover novel solutions to impending natural resource