Cow's Skull: Red White And Blue Essay

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Georgia O’Keeffe, an American artist, is best known for being the “Mother of American modernism”. Producing a substantial body of work over seven decades, she sought to capture the emotion and power of objects through abstracting the natural world. Over the years, O'Keeffe became an anti-authoritarian revolutionary, the infamy of her lifestyle sometimes overcoming the originality of her work. She found Native American art as inspiring as Renaissance art and created work that was timeless, universal, and impersonal. Breaking away from the constraints of scale, she painted telescopic images that favored the distant and the immediate. In her art, she made the small seem large and the large small as she focused on a single isolated object. In her painting, “Cow’s Skull: Red, White, and Blue”, O’Keeffe centers a Cow’s skull on a background of vertical black, red, white, and blue stripes in order to convey her view of America. (Cow skull, colors, history of time)
Cattle were and are an important facet to America, especially in the West. They have played a very …show more content…

It shows the true way that America used to be. The simple and easy way. The way that O’Keeffe painted the picture she used the beautiful paint strokes and created every little nook and creases that makes the painting beautifully come to life. However, it plays a joke on the concept of the "Great American Painting" the picture has become a quintessential icon of the American West. Around the time of the painting's creation, American artists, musicians, and writers were interested in identifying a uniquely American style and subject matter for their work.They sought out themes for the "Great American Novel" or "Great American Story". O'Keeffe offered a different opinion about what images would best symbolize America, hence a cow’s