Craft Beer Industry Essay

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For centuries, beer has been a beloved drink of men and women across the world and is even considered the third most popular drink (Nelson, 2005). Within the last ten years, the craft beer industry has exploded. Craft beer is not to be mistaken for larger, macro breweries like Anheuser Bush and Miller Coors. According to, a craft brewer has an annual production of 6 million barrels of beer or less, independently owned and/or controlled in most part by the craft brewer, and uses both traditional and innovative brewing techniques (2015). As the demand for American craft beer grows worldwide, companies are responding by opening their own breweries in Europe in addition to exporting their products. San Diego based Stone Brewing Co. made headlines in the beer world when it announced that they would take over a closed down coal manufacturing plant and turn it into an international brewery. Other craft beer companies like Brooklyn Brewery have found success in the European market- 30% of its beer volume is distributed internationally (Bernstein, 2014). As a local, independently owned brewpub, I recommend we follow in the footsteps of some of our competitors and open a brewpub restaurant in Germany …show more content…

Bordered by nine other European countries, Germany’s success can be attributed to their focus on education, financial responsibilities, and their centralized location within the North European Plain and access to the Baltic Sea. Divided into sixteen states, Germany has a population of nearly 81 million people. The RGDP growth rate of Germany in 2014 was 1.6%. Germany is an aging country, which could explain the slow growth. 52.1% of the population lies within the dependency range (ages 0-14 and over 65