Craft Move In Roald Dahl's The Landlady

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Roald Dahl used several interesting craft moves in his story The Landlady. One craft move was descriptive words and sentences. Another was long and short sentences. Finally Roald Dahl utilized tone to develop his theme that looks may be deceiving. Roald Dahl made good use of descriptive words and sentences. One example of this is when he stated “green curtains were hanging on either side of the window. The Chrysanthemums looked wonderful beside them.” This helps show that the house looks welcoming on the outside. Another good example of this craft move was when he wrote “But my dear boy, he never left. He’s still here. Mr Temple is also here. They’re on the fourth floor, both of them.” This was particularly powerful because it showed the reader that the old lady was getting a little suspicious and a little creepy and that maybe Billy shouldn 't be there. Lastly, the theme of looks may be deceiving was sent to the reader when he wrote “ Excuse my asking, but haven’t there been any other guests here except them in the last two three years? Holding her teacup high in one hand, inclining her head slightly to the left, she looked up at him out of the corners of her eyes and gave him another gentle smile. No, my dear, she said …show more content…

One example of this is when he stated ¨ Oh, of course it is! she cried sitting down on the sofa.¨ This helps create the tension between Billy and the old woman when she continuously forgets his name. Another good example of this craft move was when he wrote “Such charming boys a voice said behind him answered.” This is particularly powerful because it showed the reader that the landlady really liked the two men before Billy. Lastly, the theme of Looks may be deceiving was sent to the reader when he wrote “not in the least she said i stuff all my pets when they pass away.” Clearly Roald Dahl was effective in using the craft move of tone to teach us that things may not always look how they