Crafts Elements In The Hitchhiker By Lucille Fletcher

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Have you ever seen a Hitchhiker? Not just a Hitchhiker, but a Hitchhiker that keeps appearing. In the story “The Hitchhiker” by Lucille Fletcher, I will be writing about how the elements of authors craft make the story effective. There is a man name Ronald Adams that went through a scary event. So why not just talk about it? Lucille uses the Authors Crafts Elements of Setting, Change or Surprise, & Imagery to create an effective story in the Hitchhiker. To begin with, Setting was very important in the Hitchhiker. Setting basically told the audience where Adam was located throughout the story. “I am in an auto camp on route sixty-six just west of Gallup, New Mexico” (94). This quote notifies the audience where he is located. “Crossing Brooklyn Bridge that morning in the rain, I saw a man leaning against the cables”. (95). This quote lets the readers know where Adams had died. “I had stopped the car at a sleepy little junction just across the border into Oklahoma to let a train pass by when he appeared, across the tracks, leaning against a telephone”. (96) This quote informs that Adams is now located to where he sees the hitchhiker once again. So that is why Setting is important throughout the story. But wait, Setting isn’t the only thing …show more content…

Change or Surprise is more like suspense. Something happens that is very shocking. “He was killed just six days ago in automobile accident on the Brooklyn Bridge”. (101). This quote lets the audience know that Adams died. “Until just outside of Zanesville, Ohio, I saw him again”. Now this quote lets the audience know that the Hitchhiker keeps appearing & Adams is getting a little uncomfortable. “Nervous breakdown? But my mother was never nervous”. (101). This quote lets the people know that Adam is confused about his mother because his mother never went through that phase before. Now let’s talk about one last author’s craft that was used in The