Craig Confession

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This confession is by multiple authors. My reason being is because the author uses Craig to identify his friend, but in the second excerpt the author switches to Chris. The evidence in the first excerpt states “I have known Craig since I went to school,” and the second excerpt states “Chris then jumped over and I followed.” This shows the inconsistency between the two excerpts. If the friend name is Chris Craig, why would Derek state his last name to identify him, then switch to his first name all of a sudden? However, if it was written by a single author; his consistency in the use of names is implausible. Also if you look at the first excerpt, you’ll notice that the author uses the pronoun “I” nine times, but in the second excerpt the author …show more content…

Chris then climbed up to the drainpipe and I followed.” Based off of the locution in the second excerpt, the writer sounds as if he’s been told what to say by another person beforehand. (That person being Chris Craig) In excerpt one, it seems as if he was beating around the bush. He was talking about stuff that didn’t even matter. It was as if he was stalling. The evidence suggests “Norman Parsley and Frank Fasey called. I did not answer the door or speak to them” Why do we need to know that? It doesn’t serve a purpose in this particular situation. His confession is very ambiguous. Throughout the second excerpt, you get the sense that the Derek is trying to single out Chris Craig. The evidence states “Chris then jumped over and I followed. Chris then climbed up to the drainpipe and I followed… Chris said: ‘It’s a copper, hide behind here’… I did not know he was going to use the gun.” The way that he keeps singling out Chris, shows me that Chris was the alpha. However it could be that he’s trying to indicate that he did these things, but it wasn’t his proposal. He’s ultimately trying to take the heat off of himself,