Crash Into You Dialectical Journal

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Reading Assignment

Option 1:

In the story Isaiah was a rebel, who likes cars and girls. He reminds me a lot of James Bond. In the first part he got into a lot of action and trouble in school with fights about girls. He changed right up until the end of the book, where he was lovely friends with Rachel. He started to develop skills and care like an adult. The book title ‘Crash Into You’ means the book features Isaiah who has a crush on Rachel and then does car chasing and lots of fights. Then he returned with a positive and caring mind that contributed to society and to help his family and his belief to help his children when he gets older. That’s how Isaiah changed in the most interesting and exciting book, ‘Crash Into You’. That is why I …show more content…

Now, to answer your questions about the book you were reading, Ethan’s books. I enjoyed being one of the main characters in the novel because it could connect to a large variety of audiences. I enjoyed and liked about my character because it is what I like in real life. The author of the novel fitted my best experiences and my future life which was from my idol, James Bond. When I turn 16 in December, I wanted to drive a car and marry a pretty girl before I turn 18. The author wanted to write things about what I like so other people could connect to the story. I always wanted to not follow the teachers instructions and fight about girls because all I wanted to do, Ethan’s Books, was to get out of school. So I liked the start of the story. I liked the way my character got introduced to lovely feelings of emotion and sadness between when Rachel got so angry at me for fighting. It was good to test my emotions so I would have to concentrate in the novel. It took a couple of chances but I got to control my emotions and to not be so shy and talk about things in a relaxed and calming matter when it comes to talk to