Creative Writing: Empire Island

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“Captain are you seeing this?” asked the sailor while looking across the Atlantic at the dark and gloomy skies approaching from the northwest. “Yes, we should still be able to escape the hurricane if we continue on our course.” Captain James Jones confidently stated, knowing if the ship were to be caught in the hurricane men, women, and even children’s lives would be put at risk. Since there was a possibility of the hurricane slamming into the vessel he wanted his passengers to be mentally and physically ready for it.He called to his safety officer, Adriana, and told her,
“Adriana I need you to make sure all passengers aboard this ship know the emergency procedures and are ready if something horrible happens.”
“But I already went over …show more content…

People need to know what to do if things turn south. Them knowing what to do could be the difference between life and death.” James stated. Adriana quickly became quiet and went to do her duties. While she was re-explaining the procedures to the passengers they became extremely weary and fearful. Adriana tried to make the passengers calm down and attempted to comfort their minds, but there was absolutely no chance of her accomplishing that task. The passengers were out of control. They were becoming upset and furious with Adriana like it was her fault that the hurricane was coming close to them. She could not take their questions and rudeness anymore, she eventually stood up on a table and yelled as loud as she …show more content…

The hurricane had the finally obtained its grasp on the ship and it wasn’t going to let go. The ship viciously began to rock back and forth and side to side for what seemed like hours. Captain Jones called out over the intercom for everybody to stay inside so they wouldn’t be pushed overboard by the waves. Some passengers didn’t take this very seriously and stayed on the deck and payed for it with their lives. After about an hour and a half of the ship taking a beating you could just feel the fear and anxiousness in the air amongst the