
Creative Writing: Idele's Door

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TBy the time they reached Idele’s door, Gwaine proclaimed his heart was ready to stop and he required “copious amounts of ale to encourage recovery.” The men dropped the heavy load right in front of the door, and as discussed, Percival, Leon, and Merlin went to hide behind the huge oak tree while Gwaine faced Idele. It was already late, well past the children’s bedtime and possibly Idele’s. Percival wondered how everything might turn out and braced himself as Gwaine knocked on the door. Idele appeared in the doorway with a knife in hand. “Whoa, whoa,” said Gwaine, taking a step back. “Easy, there.” Idele narrowed her eyes and lowered the knife. “Sir Gwaine? Sorry, I heard a ruckus out here and thought it might be an intruder.” She paused …show more content…

“And I would like your opinions on the pickled goods anyway. I used to sell them for extra money. The pickling spices are an old, secret family recipe. People loved it, but I had to sell the chickens and the garden didn’t do too well this year, so this is the last of it. It would mean a lot to know someone enjoyed it.” With reluctance, the men sampled the food. “Oh, gods, yes,” mumbled Gwaine with his mouthful, savoring the taste of pickled egg. “This is the most delicious pickled egg ever. It’s sharp, but no too sharp, creamy and flavorful… I’d buy a barrel of them.” Leon, Merlin, and Percival agreed. “Thank you,” said Idele, a tear coming to her eye. “For everything.” The men explained they had one more deliver for Idele tomorrow, mostly furniture, and she accepted their offer, though not easily. She tucked her children back into bed and hugged each man before he left. The men gathered up the empty stretcher and headed for home. “I have an idea,” said Gwaine as they sauntered to the castle in the late evening. “Idele could make a killing selling that pickled food. But she needs more crocks and the actual food, since her garden didn’t do well this year. What do you say?” Percival glanced at Gwaine. “I say you’re smarter than you look.” Gwaine chased Percival all the way back to the castle. Chapter 4 – Training

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