
Creative Writing: Mary Shelley's Frankenstein

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Long ago back before the foundation of the squad there was a wise creature. It was very ancient and very ugly. Its name is long lost to the people of this Earth, lost because of the arrogance of man. Also because of man, this creature is dead. How is it mans fault that it is dead you may ask. Well I’ll tell you. I will start from the beginning. The first humans came from bananas. Later civilizations were ashamed and made up a story about monkeys and apes. They do not want you to know about when men first stepped out of their oversized peels and into the light. It was a marvelous day of shock, death, and fiery explosions. “Explosions?”, you may also ask. Well when man stepped out of their peels they were armed and armored. They …show more content…

The only thing keeping them from overpopulating the continent of Pangea was “the abductions”. That is what the people called them. People would go out on their own an never come back. What they didn’t know was that there were forces far more advanced than they at work. That my friend was …show more content…

Why do you think that whites are always on top. Well, the blacks almost won with their RPGs and AK74s, but the Europeans had Ray Guns and mininukes so, yeah they one. A few of each of the cultures survived and were put to work by the Europeans. This went on for many generations until the slaves grew in number and escaped their masters. They burned down the armories and destroyed all the guns, which is why we didn’t reinvent guns for a long time afterwards. The escaping of the slaves angered the Whites and they went in search of them. All they found was us and the Great, the Ancient, the UGLY! Nick Parker. Yes they found you sitting on your throne of bones, the bones of all the people we abducted and killed, you were sitting on their bones. The whites realized that the people of Pangea had made a horrible mistake, they thought that it was each other taking their people, when it was us. I came back to the clearing where your throne of bones and the two towering boulders sat. I saw you on the throne and the whites staring at you and thought, “uh oh.” We sat their for 5 minutes just staring at each other, me and you, staring at them. There were hundreds of them, and just to of us. We had only two advantages, one they had no weapons, and two we had friends. I yelled, “defend,” and the boulders doubled in

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