
Creative Writing: Stamp Act Story

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Julia Bell
English 8
Fri.Oct 2,2015
“Stamp Act Story” Thunder loudly erupted in the dark and rainy town; lightning soon followed it. Wind whistled through every hole and open space of the different array of houses. Surprisingly, people peacefully slept through the storm in their cozy feathered beds, awaiting for the morning to arrive. Soon, the storm passed, and the sun raised up into the sky. The morning dew glistened on the grassy ground, as well as on the fogged up windows. The crisp and cool air stood still in the quiet town. That was ,until people started to awaken. Shops opened for the day. The bakeries of the town began to cook the daily bread. Civilians greeted each other on the streets,sometimes stopping to have a conversation with them. This was like any other normal day in the town of Massachusetts. Except for one family, it was going to change their life …show more content…

“Children, come here!” A tall woman in a navy blue dress called out to the two.”We’re coming ,mother!” The two children retorted simultaneously. On this day of 1765, The streets were busy and many citizens were bustling about on the streets. Different families were on their way to the common; others were too busy shopping with shillings and pence. Lydia fancied shopping, for she thought it was a quite a simple way to get items. As her family were on their way to the buy paper, Lydia began to reflect on her

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