
Creative Writing: To Kill A Mocking Bird

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It was a long walk into the heart of section 0 of the continent Lee thought.. He had passed through town by town over the last 3 weeks. Sometimes able to hitch a ride on a horse cart but often just forced to walk. His parents were only able to give him 3 gold coins to use for his trip. His parents though were poor farmers and he was greatful for anything they could give him. Still it was barely enough for food. Comfortable lodgings were rare on his journey and often he slept in the woods or in a barn. The morning before arriving his changed into some decent clothes he carried only and took a swim in a near by river so he would look presentable for the entrance exam. He was afraid he might get turned away before even given a chance. …show more content…

They came up one by one and had 10 seconds to cast a spell that reached level 1 grade magic. Lee saw why they did this test. Though a lot of these people could do magic it wasn't often even powerful enough to be grade 1. Many must have studies as best they could but come here with mostly just hopes and dreams. It was failure after failure. However a few do pass. A cute looking Brown haired girl. He thought he heard her name was Clover when in the line. A young boy named Root Another girl named Meadows. He guessed there were 9 failures or more for every 1 pass. Maybe less. He saw Hill sitting next to him and the nerves were worse than ever. River said "You can't get all nervous. It only makes it harder to do magic." Hill heard his words and calmed his heart. Rivers asked him "which of the elements are you best at? Air, Earth, Fire, Lightning or Water?" Hill replied "Water" Rivers said "good, now just picture in your mind that still of a lake of water. Be calm and flexible like it. I can sense a good level of magic in you. Just relax and you will do fine." Hill looked at him strangely "You can sense magic?" Rivers thought a moment "I mean I have the feeling you are a strong magic user is all haha". He lied. Suddenly Only those at the back were left. Hill was pointed at to come up first. River sitting next to him would

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