The Breakey Theater Analysis

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Creepy Tales debuted on October 30, 2014 in the Breakey Theater on the beautiful campus of Chicago State University. The Breakey is a conventional academic theatre housed in Douglas Hall. The theater mode utilizes a Proscenium Stage which offers the audience a good view from any direction due to its sightlines and raised stage. The seating accommodates 350 people and the small space provides an intimate relationship between the performers and the audience members. The production staged four short plays including Ghost Tale, Hoodoo Tale, Red Death and A Crossroads Tale. The purpose of this analysis is to examine how the production helps convey the stories via theatrical space, production design, Lighting, Props, Actors, costumes and Sound.
I was immediately impressed with the theatrical ambiance of the theater space. A Ghost Tale used a realistic set which allowed the major action of the story to be the focal point of attention. The set included tables and chairs as props to enhance the look and feel of students being held in detention. The performance enlightens the audiences about the Ghost of The Breakey Theater which caused its students to disappear one by one due to their lack of commitment. The actors used various exits to disappear from the stage …show more content…

The main prop in the tale is a guitar used by the protagonist who is a struggling musician. The story set also use minimal props as the story takes place at a bus stop using only a park bench. The lighting appeared brighter than the other stories possibility to portray its’ daylight setting. The musician consume conveyed the look of a real guitar player dressed in slacks, a collared shirt and a cool hat. The sounds were used to show him playing his music at the bus stop and for the devil that convinced him to sell his