Creon Tragic Hero In Antigone

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In the story, Antigone by Sophocles, there is a tragic hero and that is Creon. Being self-centered can affect the surroundings of those who are acting like that, people act like this without knowing because they are too focused on themselves as in not taking other people advice or thinking that they are always correct. Creon became king of Theses and saw himself on top of everyone else. His selfishness affected everyone and himself. In the story Sophocles states, “She will not escape my hardest punishment her sister to whom I accuse as well. She had an equal part in all their plan to do this burial” (Scene 2: 552-555). Creon’s noble stature was king and it affected the society because Creon did not make smart decisions. Like as quoted Sophocles talks how Creon was accusing both of the sisters when it was only Antigone who did it, Creon was not listening to the others since he knows that …show more content…

This was backfired. Since Creon refused to change his law about the burial it affected his punishments. Sophocles writes, “Your gaze makes citizens afraid they can’t say anything you would not like to hear but in the darkness I can hear them talks the city is upset about the girl” (Scene 3 783-786). The city of Thebes began to be upset because of the law Creon was creating for Antigone and they began to disagree with him and that made him start thinking things over again. That was the beginning of the punishments but he still did not do much about it. Sophocles states, “Order you see gods paying respect to evil men? No, no for quite a while some people in the town name. Secretly been muttering against me they don’t agree with what I have decreed” (Scene 1 333-337 Exods). Creon also began to notice that people began to say things behind his back because they did not like that he was deciding and it was bugging him bit because he thought he was doing a good job at leading. Then his punishments