Role Of Creon In Antigone

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Creon is known as a tragic hero from the play Antigone by Sophocles. Antigone went against Creon to bury her brother regardless of Creon’s punishments. “Your figures of speech may entertain you now, but unless you bring me the man you will get little profit from them in the end(scene 1, 139-141).” Once Creon found out about the burial, he wanted to know who did it. That resulted in the Sentry finding Antigone as the person who did it. “Maybe. But you are guilty and they are not (Scene II,105).” Antigone tried to tell Creon why she chose to do it but he did not care to listen. After punishing her he realized what he had done was wrong because an oracle told him he will pay for what he did. “Oh it is hard to give in! But it is worse to risk everything

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