Creon's Tragic Hero In Sophocles Antigone

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Antigone is a huge tragedy in which everyone in Creon’s family is dead by the end. To me Creon is the tragic hero of this play. He was so prideful that he did not realize what was going on around him, he lets becoming the king go to his head and ended up having to live up to his law that me made, which in the end resulted in his niece dying. It wasn’t until it was too late that Creon finally opened his eyes and realized what being king has done. Creon starts off by having his two nephews fight each other to the death, and picking only one of them (Eteocles) to have a proper burial and the other (Polynices) to be left out there with nobody burying him(“Antigone”). He ends up making this decree stating that if anyone goes against what he says,