Crime Prevention Allocation Model

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An allocation model is a helpful tool that can provide police administrators with an estimate of about how many police officers within an agency should be assigned to patrol so that the organizational goals and citizens’ demands can be accomplished by utilizing the agency’s resources (including police officers) efficiently (Fritsch et al., 2009, pg. 31 & 41). The crime prevention allocation model as its name implies aims to calculate the amount of patrol officers needed in order to prevent crime and halt crimes that are already taking place within a police agency jurisdiction (Fritsch et al., 2009, pg. 35). The crime prevention allocation model works by using different types of crime data that can be accessible to police administrators, such …show more content…

In allocation models there needs to be taken into consideration other aspects of crime, such as behavioral and physical characteristics of communities so that there can be a more appropriate understanding of the crime itself and find ways of how to prevent criminals from doing the crime in lieu of just hoping that there will be an officer nearby that can get to crime scene on time to halt the crime or hoping to discourage criminals by making them believe that police is omnipotent (Kennedy, Caplan & Piza, 2011, pg. 340). Another disadvantage of crime prevention model is that its calculations are based off assumption that crime occurs randomly, which will make the results inaccurate (Fritsch et al., 2009, pg. 35). One of the advantages of the crime prevention allocation model is that it can at least provide police administrators with an idea of where crime is being concentrated, however there is no evidence that concentration of crime will necessarily lead to more crime; it just means that crime will most likely happen there but it might also not happen at that location at all and happen somewhere else (Kennedy, Caplan & Piza, 2011, pg. 341). Another advantage of the crime prevention allocation model is that it has helped paved the road for more precise allocation models such as the Allocation of Patrol Personnel (MAPP) that is being employ by many police departments today (Fritsch et al., 2009, pg. 40). Because policing is a dynamic system I do not think that the crime prevention allocation model can work in a modern city, however I think that it can help supplement other things that police departments are already doing in order to prevent crime, moreover I believe that it is better to use the crime prevention allocation model as an alternative to doing allocation by