Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED)

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Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED) is defined as a multi-disciplinary approach to deterring criminal behavior through environmental design. This method grew out of Oscar Newman’s concept of “defensible space” in 1972. It uses strategies that rely upon the ability to influence offender’s decisions that continue to do criminal acts by affecting social and administrative environments. The main goal is to prevent crime by designing a physical environment that positively influences human behavior. Most criminal justice workers are focused on controlling crime and help prevent criminal activity in all areas of life, starting with the environment. I will be explaining the advantages and disadvantages of this method, how it is implemented through Newman’s concept elements of defensible space, and how it’s not being implemented in our society. I will be explaining activity support and Motivation Reinforcement of this helpful concept. …show more content…

The advantages of CPTED is that communities will have opportunities to play meaningful roles in crime prevention in their neighborhood, business leaders/owners will gain safer locations that are more attractive to customers and employees, and lastly planners/architects will gain a greater role in designing the environment. Law enforcement will benefit from this method because it will give links to repeating offenders in a specific area and gives clarification and action on important priorities in a community. The advantages will continue to expand in every agency using this method, due to new ideas that can be

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