Community Policing Essay

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The first objective of this study is to define and explain community policing as it is currently practiced in the U.S. Community policing and crime reduction is the 4th pillar as stipulated by the Police department under 21st-century policing. According to the Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS Office), community policing refers to a philosophy that promotes organizational strategies, systematic use of partnerships, and problem-solving techniques. This philosophy aims to address public safety issues, such as fear of a crime, any form of social disorder, and others. Community policing is made up of three essential components, the first one being community partnerships. This involves engagement between the law enforcement agency …show more content…

(U.S. Department of Justice report, 2021). The following are some of how community policing is practiced in the US, currently. First, awareness has been increased on how communities should prevent crimes without involving the authority. For instance, by forming neighborhood watch groups. Second, foot and bicycle patrols have been increased to interact with the community and reduce criminal activities. Third, law enforcers visit the public during their shifts, gather relevant information, and work closely with the community to reduce crime threats. Fourth, law enforcers are participating in recreation programs with the community to connect and reduce crime and the fear of crime. Fifth, police are enforcing relevant policies to address community issues, discrimination, and impartial …show more content…

Step 1 is to build a strong relationship with the law enforcers and encourage each other to support them. Step 2 is to select local businesses, religious leaders, community reps, and youth reps, to represent their grievances in the law enforcement advisory board. Third, participate in neighborhood watch to help police maintain public safety. Fourth, participate in police initiatives, projects, and programs to connect more with law enforcers. These steps with increase the relationship between the police and community members and reduce