What Are The Conflict And Consensus Models Used By The Criminal Justice System

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In this essay, we'll talk about the conflict and consensus models used by the criminal justice system when upholding societal order, defending individual rights, and preserving public safety are at stake. I'll go into detail about the impact that insufficient public funding has had on the criminal justice system's inability to resolve issues and accomplish its objectives. even to consider. In order to determine whether different criminal justice agencies adhere to the standard of social equity within their organization, I will also search online for the mission and/or value statements of those organizations. Last but not least, I will outline the distinction between positive and negative discipline within law enforcement organizations while …show more content…

Consensus models the importance of cooperation and collective efforts in maintaining social order and upholding the rule of law in the criminal justice system. When applied to the criminal justice system, this perspective emphasizes that the laws and legal processes are the result of collective agreement on what constitutes criminal behavior and how to address it. According to (Kleinfeld, J., & Dancig-Rosenberg,2022), there have been some debates in our society on the consensus that criminal justice ought to control crime, but before we can control crime, we must first understand what it is. That is why we must be able to define everyone's function within the criminal justice system and ensure that everyone from the police, corrections, prosecutors, and courts understands their responsibility and how the system works before enforcing the laws governing these illegal activities (Cronkhite,2013).

Lack of funding for the criminal justice …show more content…

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