Knoxville Police Department Mission Statement

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Every criminal justice agency has their own mission statement or operational philosophy and some have Social Equity concepts, while others do not. First is the operational philosophy of the Knoxville Police Department, where I have been employed for the last eighteen years. It embodies Social Equity and states, “(1.) Do the right thing; (2.) Do your best every day; and (3) Treat others the way you want to be treated” (Outstanding city employee for 2006 announced, 2006, par. 2). Together they mean every employee of the Knoxville Police Department must treat every person they come in contact with in the same polite, fair, and hardworking manner. By devoting my career to this philosophy, I have been able to obtain the rank of Lieutenant and have been awarded KPD Officer of the Month, KPD Officer of the Year, and East Tennessee Officer of the Year. However, my proudest accomplishment is being accepted in the East Knoxville Community, which is mainly African-American. …show more content…

Louis, Missouri. The philosophy states, “The Metropolitan Police Department, City of St. Louis strives to provide the best possible police service to the citizens of St. Louis. Our Mission Statement and Core Values serve as guides for the work we do everyday to protect those who live, work and visit the City of St. Louis” (Our Philosophy, 2015). This philosophy is on the borderline of Social Equity and to make it better, citizens should be taken out because it should be to provide the best possible service to everyone in St. Louis. The second sentence is much better, but it should be to protect and serve not just