Criminal Justice 325: What Makes A Good Theory

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The field of criminal justice needs theories to exist in the real world. The course Criminal Justice 325 helps future law enforcement agents understand why theory is needed and how to use them. Theories go through the steps of the criteria of theory evaluation to even become a theory. This is desired because if there are no guidelines theories would be all over the place. With theories about crime come crime itself. Agencies measure the nature of crime to keep up with what kind and how often it occurs in a year, but also to understand how to prevent crime from happening. In the course Criminal Justice 325, students have four main course objectives. First, students will try to better understand the cause of crimes through varies theories. Some …show more content…

There are many conditions that make a good theory. First, a good theory has clearly defined concepts. The theorist fully explains key terms and concepts. Second, a good theory is internally consistent. It makes sense and focuses on a problem that is important. Thirdly, a good theory is one that has a broad scope of explanatory power. The theory should have a range and limitations. Popular wisdom states, “A theory that purports to explain everything ends up explaining nothing” (Research 50). Fourthly, a good theory is parsimonious. It should have “an ability to explain a range of phenomena with a few constructs or concepts” (Research 49). Fifthly, a good theory is testable by repeatable evidence. Theorist need to observe and measure these theories in the real world. Next, a good theory is empirically valid and supported by research. “Empirical data should support or refute the theory” (Research 50). If it has empirical support the theory must be “successful at predicting certain features of situations and providing insight into those situations” (Research 50). Lastly, a good theory is one that has practical utility and policy implications. It may sound good on paper, but does not work in the real world. There are three methods for measuring the nature of crime. Measuring crime helps the field of criminal justice predict some crimes, know how to deal with criminals, and try to prevent crimes from happening. Official statistics, victimization …show more content…

The FBI’s Uniform Crime Report, the National Incident Base Reporting System, and Clery Act are under the law enforcement data. The Uniform Crime Report was created by the International Association of Chiefs of Police in 1929. The UCR reflexes data and information gathered by the FBI on a monthly basis from across the country. The FBI “stimulated these agencies to record statistics in a systematic form and indirectly has encouraged these agencies to utilize these reports to modernize administration and operations tried to improve reliability and completeness of data” (Crime). This data base is the “starting place for law enforcement executives, students of criminal justice, researchers, members of the media, and the public at large seeking information on crime in the nation (FBI). Agencies participate on a volunteer basis, but the FBI does give out grants to the ones who help out. Only the most offensives crimes are counted in the data base when criminals commit a series of crimes. The Uniform Crime Report focus on two broad topics, serious and non-serious crimes. Serious crimes consist of type I offensives and non-serious are the type II offensives. There are some weaknesses with the UCR such as that not all crime is reported and mainly type I offensives are mainly reported to the police. Also, the FBI’s Uniform Crime Report is “undertaking