Criminal Justice Application Essay

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There are many obstacles that people face on a daily basis. These obstacles are varied depending on a person’s current situation. I would like to take a few moments to look at a person whose lifelong dream is to become a career firefighter. This person has discovered that all fire departments require you to complete an Emergency Medical Technician certification. This certification can be acquired in several different ways including online courses, in-class sessions, or on the job training from an organization. Even though this problem can be overcome the person still needs to focus on key elements of resilience to assist them (Harrington, 2012). Having emotional control will assist them in maintaining organization when it comes to completing …show more content…

(2012). Where there's a will, there's a way. Occupational Health, 64(3), 27-30. There are several services that the Smarthinking resource offers for students (Bethel University, 2016). These services include writing assistance, online tutoring, study aids, and technical support. Each of these services have subcategories to further narrow the assistance you may need. There is one service in particular that I think will help me. Contained under the study aids service is a list of digital content (Bethel University, 2016). Within that digital content is the subject for Criminal Justice. Since I am currently enrolled in a Criminal Justice program I think this resource will greatly assist in my success. There are several videos, labs, and learning objects listed in this area. They cover a wide array of subjects from causes of prison riots to juvenile justice just to name a couple. With this massive database I should definitely be able to find material relevant to the subject I am currently researching. In conclusion The Smarthinking resource offers several varied services for students (Bethel University, 2016). Each service has subcategories to help narrow your need for assistance. The digital content listed under the study aids is the service I personally look to rely on the most. That content should be a huge help in my success due to its massive database of criminal justice subject