Probation Officer Essay

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In my current role as Probation and Parole Officer, I have learned and gain a lot of experience with the Delaware Court System. While supervising individuals on level 2 Domestic Violence, level 2 interstate and current case load standard level 2 and pre-trial supervision, I have gain a lot of experience with the different court systems which entails, Family Court, Court of Common Pleas, Superior Court, and Justice of Peace. When the court orders an individual to serve Probation, It is my duties to make sure I’m enforcing the terms and conditions of supervision and keeping the Court informed of the individuals compliance or noncompliance. The courts have various programs and resources they can implement to not only help the individual but also the probation officer with their recommendation. The court can request that an individual get evaluated by a physiatrist (most time the evaluation is funded by the state). This help the Officer make an appropriate recommendation for the Offender. Superior Court and Court of Common …show more content…

As a Probation and Parole Officer, my duties is to enforce the law but primary is to help individuals with social resources so they can become productive member of society. Probation and Parole Officer should communicate with other law enforcement officer to gain information or gain more detail about the person that the Probation Officer is supervising. Police Officers serve an integral role in the criminal justice system, and their duty is to arrest individuals and bring them up on charges. If the individual is adjudicated in court, then the individual enters the Delaware Correctional system. Every individual will be placed in their correct supervision level as set forth by SENTAC and sentencing order. Guidelines help Probation and Parole officers to appropriately supervise individuals while in the