Probation Officer Classification

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The probation and parole officer conducts counseling interviews with assigned cases according to approved counseling techniques in order to determine and clarify probationer problems; suggests constructive methods for addressing such problems; and consults with supervisor when necessary. The probation or parole officer contacts public and private community agencies to secure their aid in attempting to solve probationer's problems. Continuing and ongoing relationships with agencies are expected.

Following a thorough and complete evaluations and refers probationers to community agencies that offer specialized services that are required for a particular individual's needs. Contacts collateral sources for information to evaluate or verify current …show more content…

Similar to institutional classifications systems, community classification identifies offender risks and matches appropriate supervision. There will usually be more than one classification for the community supervision term. Classification can be initial, reclassification, or prerelease classification. The higher the risk score, the higher the level of supervision. Three basic levels of supervision are intensive, regular, minimum, and administrative. (Classification of Offenders in the Community: Probation or Parole …show more content…

Some officers will have caseloads of up to 300 minimum supervision offenders. These offenders often have contact only every few months and are basically responsible themselves for following the conditions of their supervision. These offenders have very few needs and are likely to committed very minor crimes. They are aware that their community supervision can be revoked and that they can be sent to prison if they violate the conditions of their probation or parole sentence. Some jurisdictions also have the category known as administrative supervision. Offenders under this form of supervision have absolutely no contact with a parole or probation officer. They are still under conditional release, however, and if they commit another crime, their original parole or probation will be revoked. This classification is used after low-risk offenders demonstrate a food adjustment to supervision. After reclassification, this supervision may be assigned. Classification of offenders in the community is an important tool in determining services for rehabilitation and protecting the community from those more likely to re-offend. (Classification of Offenders in the Community: Probation or Parole