Community Supervision Proposal

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According to Community Supervision (2001), it is imperative that sex offenders are supervised intensely. However, there are numerous aspects about the offender that an officer, therapist, or any other staff pertinent to the care of the offender should consider. First, it is recommended to know the employment status, family situations, peers, relationships, etc. These factors can help paint a picture of who the offender is. According to Latessa, Listwan, & Koetzle, (2014), an RNR approach is extremely useful, especially when on officer uses all these proponent of this model, risk, need, and responsivity. These types of offenders are all different as mentioned by Losel & Schumucker (2005), and they all have varying characteristics such as age, …show more content…

Furthermore, another tool that is being used within the community supervision technique is polygraph testing. Community Supervision (2000) & Madsen, Parsons, & Grubin (2004) state that polygraph testing is a viable aspect within the community supervision treatment plan to help offenders reduce recidivism. Madsen et al. (2004) found that after the initial polygraph, the ones that followed were more successful in revealing more deviant thoughts or behaviors. Therefore, this is a great tool to use due to the officer being able to gain more information that can be used to help the offender as well as, communicating this information to other personnel such as therapist, law enforcement, etc. ( Community Supervision, 2000 & Madsen et al., …show more content…

Civil commitment is the mandatory placement of an offender within a secure facility, like a prison, however their time here could be indefinite. Some view this as a violation of one’s rights, and on the other hand, some are elated that these offenders are behind bars in a safe place. According to Quanbeck (2014), this type of treatment was meant to not be a punishment for the offender; it was supposed to act as rehabilitation. However, “these just and constitutional goals cannot be truly achieved if the government can manipulate the outcome …in order to confine those who do not meet the requisite threshold of dangerousness” (Quanbeck,