Summary Of Jaycee Dugard Case Study Harvard

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The Jaycee Lee Dugard case contributed to the overhaul of assessment of risks, needs, and management of offenders within California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation program. Specifically, the role, importance, and connection to risk and needs assessment of offenders in community based correction (Bayens, pg. 91). Phillip Garrido was charged with kidnapped and sexual assault of Jaycee Dugard over 18 years span (1991-2009). The aggravating details arise from the incident is that Garrido was under parole supervision as a sex offender since 1999. During those years, Garrido was hardly supervised due to improper classification as low-risk sex offender and failure of background research. The classification error led to numerous additional fault and oversights regarding the handling of Garrido by correctional officials and possible earlier emancipation of Dugard. In hindsight, this case brought to light what may occur when offenders are improperly assessed and classified. As a result, officials began to institute a field training program to pair veteran parole agents with rookies, restricting parole academy to train agents in classifying sex offenders and spotting deception, utilize instruments that agencies can use to assess the risk and special-needs offenders, and how to accurately and at what stages to assess risk and needs of offenders (Baynes,

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