Critical Analysis Of The Article 'The World Is So White'

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Critical Review of Journal Article The purpose of this paper is to provide a critical analysis of the research article “The world is so White”: Improving Cultural Safety in Healthcare Systems for Australian Indigenous People with Rheumatic Heart Disease” written by Mitchell et al. (2022). The study objective is to examine senior health system knowledge holders, including Aboriginal experts, in contexts where elimination approaches for Rheumatic Heart Disease (RHD) are implemented. As part of their study, the researchers assessed the feasibility of implementing the Rheumatic Heart Disease Endgame Strategy by conducting interviews to determine how these strengths-based strategies could be implemented. The study involved in-depth interviews …show more content…

(2014) supported that Aboriginal healthcare providers best understand Aboriginal ways and needs within the Australian healthcare system riddled with racial and ethnic inequities. The researchers argued that White (non-Indigenous) healthcare providers do not understand Aboriginal practices and the intrinsic complexities and inequities within the Australian healthcare system. The researchers also argued that non-Aboriginal healthcare providers find it challenging to give Aboriginal patients an authentic voice that may improve their overall health and well-being when living with chronic diseases (Rix et al., 2014). They refer to the Australian healthcare system as an alien biomedical world to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander populations (Rix et al., 2014). It further broadens the tensions in the intersections of worldviews in the Australian healthcare system and, by extension, health …show more content…

The results from the interviews by Mitchell et al. (2022) supported this by arguing that non-Indigenous healthcare practitioners find it very stressful to provide care and work in Aboriginal communities. Most find serving Aboriginal communities a sense of obligation, after which they state that they have done their time (Mitchell et al., 2022). It reveals the ever-present tension in the Australian healthcare system in the intersections of worldviews that limit the preventive care for RHD and the provision of culturally-informed and sensitive care. In addition, Fogarty et al. (2018) assessed that this reflects the deficit discourse in Indigenous healthcare for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander