Critical Analysis Of Two Ways To Belong In America

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Thousands of cultures affect people 's’ views on others’ beliefs and values. .The cultural acceptance and unacceptance is shown through pieces of writing like “Everyday Use” by Alice Walker, “Two Ways to Belong in America” by Bharati Mukherjee, and “An Indian Father’s Plea” by Robert Lake, in addition to the cultural experiences of the authors of this paper. One 's culture can go to the extent of questioning one 's values and beliefs, which apprises the way one views others and the world.
Throughout her life, Eden was introduced to a variety of sports. In each experience her she cultivated a new understanding of herself and others. Soccer was the first competitive sport Eden played in which her contributions towards In her first competitive …show more content…

Also, in the personal essay, “Two Ways to Belong in America”, by Bharati Mukherjee, Mira moves to America with goals and plans to adapt to a new culture, as well as stay connected and true to her Indian roots. Mira has become very successful in America as a teacher, but still keeps her connections with India strong, “After 36 years as a legal immigrant in this country, she clings passionately to her Indian citizenship and hopes to go home to India when she retires” (Mukherjee 70). Mira knows how the environment of America is. Even though she immigrated here, her Indian view, values, and beliefs were not left behind. She knows where her cultural priorities lie. As she clings passionately to her Indian citizenship, it shows that though she had strongly adapted here, India is where she feels like she belongs and this displays her cultural influence of India. Lastly, Dee contradicts herself when she asks for the quilts. She says they are “priceless” and that the quilts are made up of, “dresses that grandma used to wear” (61). This shows that she still wants to connect with her past culture. Dee wants the quilts to last and does not want anything to happen to them. When Dee hears that the quilts were promised to Maggie, she says, “they 'll be in rags” and that “‘She can always make some more” (61). If Dee really was completely independent of her culture, she could learn how to make her own quilts or would have taken the other ones that were offered. All of this goes to show that Dee still wants to connect with her culture and that she is not completely independent of her