Critical Analysis: Sick Woman Theory

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Each text contains interest while I read them, they also focused ideas regarding disability but the points that’ll receive attention don’t necessarily relate to each other. In Johanna Hedva’s piece, Sick Woman Theory, she discusses concepts revolving around her chronic illness and the effects of that illness on her life. For Robert McRuer, he wishes to explore ideas that explain the relationship between heterosexuality and able-bodiedness. While each text displays engaging thoughts, this paper will respond to them in different ways. For this response paper, interest lies in adding ideas to the first section of Sick Woman Theory as well as critiquing what McRuer wants to accomplish with his paper.
Throughout Hedva’s essay, she discusses how living with her chronic illness has caused her to think about ideas around the “sick woman” and what the Sick Woman Theory represents. In the fourth section, she explains what this theory means and who it is for. For Hedva, the theory “is for those who are faced with their vulnerability and unbearable fragility” also it’s interesting that she explains how these vulnerable people must “fight for their experience to be not only honored, but first made visible.” The main reason for mentioning this starts from explanation contains intrigue and it represents a connection to McRuer through visibility in a way. However, before moving on to McRuer, Hedva’s first section needs exploring for several reasons.
Not only does the first section describes