Critical Lens Essay On The Outsiders

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"It's okay. We aren't in the same class. Just don't forget some of us watch the sunset too". This quote from The Outsiders seems to be the main point of this whole book. The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton is a timeless novel. The Outsiders is a book about love, loyalty, and friendship. It's also about having the power to over come, dealing with differences, and coming together. This book teaches us that kids still today are judged by so many different things; their race, gender, and who or where they came from. It also tells us that no matter the person, everyone will have big problems or little problems to deal with in their life. The Outsiders is a timeless novel because it was easy to relate to 50 years ago, it's easy to relate to now, and it will still be relatable 50 years from now. Social classes are also still a problem today. The judgement of social classes was very present in the book, The Outsiders. As said in the book, "It's okay. We aren't in the same social class. Just don't forget some of us watch the sunset too"(Hinton). Straight from the quote itself, it's saying that the Socs and Greasers aren't in the same class and don't …show more content…

The judgement of social class in kids, teens, and adults is present today as it was in the novel. Also People everywhere are judged by the way they look or appear. One thing to be sure remember is this; No matter where or who people come from, they will always have big or small problems in their life. The Outsiders is timeless. Once you read the book you will be able to relate in at least one way, if not more. Most people could relate to this book awhile ago too. The Outsiders is a timeless novel because it'll always have a true, understandable, relatable, and powerful meaning. Time means that it will never be beaten or forgotten. To be timeless is like it will always live, in this case it's the book by S.E. Hinton; The

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