Critical Summary Of Bikers High By Paul Volponi

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Critical Analysis Rikers High is published by Paul Volponi and the book is about how a kid named Martin Stokes is challenged with many tough opticals while he was in jail. Stokes was arrested on his own front stoop for steering an undercover cop to a drug dealer. After getting arrested he is sentenced to 5 months in the jail. The 5 months turned into several years of being locked up. While in jail he was hurt by another inmate so then gets put into another part in the jail. After a lot of trials at the court he is finally released because he was pled not guilty. So there were challenges that Stokes faced but he always had to look past it and try to get through it the best that he could. He also was changed through this whole situation because he will now know not to get into other people's business. …show more content…

He got in trouble and got locked up in the jail Rikers. He had court and he was sentenced for 5 months. The time went by and he was still in jail trying to figure out when he was going to get out of jail. He has went to the courthouse so many times he says “ I know my way to the courthouse like its the back of my hand. I could close my eyes and know where we are just by how every bump feels.” He has been to court a lot of times. It hasn't feel through when he was going to go home because while at court something would come up and it would have to be held on another day. So he did that for several