Critical Whiteness Theory Summary

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whereby, placing these White students in a place of racial dominance (Lopez, 1996) Therefore, White students often do not recognize the existence of White privilege because it is not something that can be seen.
Critical Whiteness Theory
One of the things that these White female novice teachers kept discussing throughout the entire interviews was the fact that the Black students exhibited great mistrust and suspicion towards them. The mistrust that Black students have in regards to their White teachers, is defined as “racial mistrust” and it refers to defensive cognitive and behavioral responses members of racial or ethnic groups deemed to be inferior develop in response to racism, biased attitudes and behaviors that originate from …show more content…

Teachers who are fully committed to multiculturalism and anti-racism may fail to see how their own beliefs and values may get in the way of their good intentions towards their Black students (Guess, 2006). As an example of the tensions inherent in Whiteness, White people will admit to being Americans, but are uncomfortable being White though they accept the privileges of Whiteness (Cullen, 2014). Something I noticed while interviewing Sara, was that anytime she had to say or refer to herself as White she said it quieter, almost as if she were afraid to say the word White or Caucasian out loud. In an attempt to understand racial disparities in education, educators must look deeper at Whiteness (Lund, 2015). Out of the three participants in this study only one of them appeared to realize the power of being White and what being White means in our society. Sonya revealed that she knows that being White is a privilege. Research on White privilege helps to explain how White people possess certain privileges just because they have White skin. (Dyer, 2008). This is not the case with other cultures, and this is something that White people do not understand. For example, White people will never understand what it is like to not be trusted based on the color of their skin, however, this is a reality for Black people and it is something is which they live with every day of their lives (Leonardo,