Crohn's Disease: A Short Story

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“Oh my God, Candy!” is how I imagine the beginning of the conversation went. My mom, being the first time pregnant woman that she is, got the craving for spaghetti and orange juice. I on the other hand, did not. Fast forward to three minutes later, and the spaghetti and orange juice is now on my old house’s kitchen floor. To this day, I won’t drink orange juice, and don 't have a particular liking for spaghetti either. Incidentally, my life never really slowed down from that moment. I currently reside in the area known as Chilton, Wisconsin, though that was not always the case. I was in year number five of living when the journey began. We packed a Penske truck full and were on to our new house. Well, the first new house... of nine. While living …show more content…

There will be days when I’m late to work and get hollered at by my boss, but I’ll have to accept it because that 's how the world goes round. There will be days where my anxiety decides it wants to take over and I’ll shake on the ground. Or the days where I can 't take it anymore because my Crohn’s disease is not my fault and I’ll drowned in my tears and the screams of “I’m only human!”. Even the days where I can’t forget that the paths I’m choosing for my life are things my family and friends don’t agree with, and the only thing keeping me from giving up is because there’s no point to continuing if all I’m doing is keeping others happy. Though, there will also be relationships full of passion. Late night intellectual conversations with my best friends about the Cantor Theory. And those days spent alone in my apartment where I get to love myself like everyone should with hot tea and a good tumblr blog. In conclusion, and also in being honest with myself, my existence as a breathing human being will have its ups, downs, bad days, and new experiences. Who knows though? Maybe one day I’ll pick up a glass of orange juice and when I put it down, I’ll ask for