Cross-Cultural Perspective: Cultural Psychology And Human Development

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SS CULTURAL PERSPECTIVE The quality in a person or society that arises from a concern for what is regarded as excellent in arts, letters, manners, scholarly pursuits is called culture. There has been great debate regarding the definition of culture since ancient ages, in 20th century as central concept in anthropology, culture termed as range of human phenomena that cannot be directly attributed to genetic inheritance. In American anthropology culture is evolved as human capacity to classify and represent experiences with symbols. According to Cicero, culture is the highest possible ideal for human development. Culture has always been an important aspect of society, in fact culture signifies …show more content…

They see both of them with the same eye. However there is difference between them. cultural psychology is the study of how psychological and behavioral tendencies are rooted in and embodied in culture. The main tenet of cultural psychology is that mind and culture are inseparable and mutually constructive, meaning that people are shaped by their culture and culture is also shaped by them. Cultural psychology sees differences in culture. Whereas, cross cultural psychology sees universality in culture. They see how culture influences human behavior as whole. Thus, whereas cross cultural psychologist might ask whether jean piget’s stages of development are universal across a variety of cultures, a cultural psychologist would be interested in how the social practices of a particular set of cultures shape the development of cognitive processes in different …show more content…

During this period, called the formal operational stage, children begin to use the formal rules of thought and logic to provide justification of their answers. They formulate and test complex hypotheses, they think abstractly and generalize, using abstract concepts, from one situation to another. SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT Social development analyzes how children or people make connection with others. The first stage of social development starts in infancy, when child’s first social connections occur with his mother. A baby is very much attached with his mother because she feds him, cares him and loves him. However, as time passes, and baby grows, they start to detach himself with his mother and explore environment. From here on, other social connection starts to exist for example with his father, with his siblings, and with his friends and so on and so forth. Social development has both negative and positive aspect in form of attachment and detachment. It has also moral aspect, ideas about what is right and what is wrong. As moral ideas develop, they come to be important in determining our response to others. The development of moral ideas goes hand in hand with cognitive development, moral development is sometimes considered to be a part of cognitive